Keep Doing Good
“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”
Seasons are part of both our physical and spiritual lives. Some seasons bring about new opportunities and ignite dreams that create in us that odd mix of scared yet excited emotions and feelings that come with the prospect of growth. Often times, those seasons are followed by seasons of slow growth and feelings of stagnancy, and we’re left feeling discouraged and frustrated with doing the good that God set us to do.
It’s easy to fall into a rut of frustration and lack of passion. The work that God placed in our hands that we once felt privileged to do and did with enthusiasm and passion can turn into a routine of things that we have to do and that sometimes feels essentially meaningless. Loving people and serving them can start to feel like a chore rather than a response to God’s love in our lives. You may even find yourself looking for a way out of that dry, lackluster place where you feel passionless, discouraged, and a bit lost if we’re totally honest here. But it’s in those seemingly dry seasons that we must not get tired of doing good – of faithfully seeking God, doing the good He set us to do, and fighting for the dreams and passions that he ignited in us in the first place.
Maybe you’ve lost that zeal for loving God and loving others that you once had. Maybe you feel like the good that you’re doing is not producing any good in others’ lives. Maybe you’ve lost your focus and let the passions, dreams, and promises that God gave you slip into the back of your mind. Maybe you tried taking matters into your own hands and ended up on an entirely different course than you know God set you on, and now you’re not sure how and if you can do good again. But, there’s hope. There’s always hope when we look to God and choose to trust and follow Him. You may feel tired and passionless, but feelings are nothing compared to the word and truth of God. Know that He is faithful and that He will be faithful with whatever word, promise, dream, and passion He gave you. Hold on to His faithfulness and goodness, so that you can continue to faithfully seek Him and do the good that He called you to in the place that He set you in. Keep sowing in the word and passion that He gave you, and at the right time, you will harvest a good crop.
God is cheering you on and so are we. Keep doing good difference maker.
Geraldine Lara
Creative Team Producer