Wherever You Go
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Sometimes God calls us to do things that we are completely scared to do. Take Joshua for example. God promised Moses, Joshua’s predecessor, a land for the Israelites, but due to his generation’s disobedience, they were forced to wander the desert for forty years. After Moses and the rest of his generation died, it was Joshua’s turn to lead the Israelites into the land promised to them.
Imagine Joshua’s fear. The desert was all that he and the Israelites knew, and suddenly they faced the mysteriousness of an entirely new land. But God told Joshua not to be afraid because He would be with him wherever he went.
Sometimes we feel the same way about God’s calling for our lives. But don’t be afraid of whatever it is that you are called to do because the all-powerful God is with you. The mysteriousness of certain situations can be frightening but if we remember who is on our side and trust in Him, then we can stand firm because we know that He is with us wherever we go.
Chris Murialdo
Sponsorship Liaison